Life is like a freight train, it can hit you out of nowhere.

What is your career plan?

It’s been a while but I’m back!

My career plan has changed remarkably over the years from when I was a child, to my juvenile years, to my young adult life that I’m currently in right now.

But some things will always remain the same: I’ve always wanted to be a writer. I love creativity and brainstorming ideas for projects. However, making a living from such a career isn’t always plausible.

Ever since the Covid-19 pandemic, I became interested in websites directed to preventing such viruses from spreading and becoming infectious to society. Which is why I began looking into the CDC or WHO because of its notoriety in Public Health.

It’s such a funny and interesting occurrence because all my life I was told to go into a healthcare field because that’s the only career path my family has ever known. That’s why I truly think looking into your career and researching potential opportunities is so crucial for finding out what you are comfortable with and not wasting time on a career you don’t like.

I’m currently a Uni student right now, majoring in health sciences with a concentration on health promotion, and plan to advance into a career of behavioral science. The journey I am on will be all worth it once I have my future job and can work and be able to publish a book as well.

Let me know your endless thoughts.

Engage and you shall be a victim

What topics do you like to discuss?

On the surface, I am very quiet and reserved person but once you get to know me, there’s not a single thing in this world that does net ignite me and have me talking about until someone tells me to shut up.

I love talking about the controversial and taboo things of life. Death, world history, problematic aspects of media, religion, and human nature.

I think maybe it has something to deal with the psychological and moral side of things and that’s what has me talking for centuries, even eons even.

Let your body rest

How do you unwind after a demanding day?

After a demanding day, which could consist of studying until my back breaks or working in the hospital until my feel hurt, I love a good, scorching hot shower. My skin needs to feel like it’s melting. Once I’m out from the shower, I love to just lay in bed for the rest of the day, just doing absolutely nothing because I had been so busy throughout the day that the small amount of time to just do nothing is always rewarding.

Turning Twenty

Today is my twentieth birthday. No emotion or feeling can describe my current state of mind.

Perhaps fear or anxiety. Dread or worry. Maybe even excitement and joy?

No. No adjective can communicate my feelings properly.

The older I get, the more withdrawn I feel I’m becoming and I’m not too fond nor hate the fact.

It’s like the things I used to love, the things that made me feel so proud about myself, the confidence I manifested at a point is gone.

Completely shattered, ruined—destroyed even.

Yet, I’ve discovered myself throughout the years—graduation, college, etc.

I don’t even know what could have been the perpetrator. Nor do I want to imagine it. It already kills me to linger on past thoughts and the what ifs.

I’m twenty today. No longer a teenage girl. No longer a youthful juvenile. I’m an adolescent woman just beginning her twenties. A whole new decade. A whole new beginning to a brand new chapter.

But the back of my mind keeps pestering me with the same question: Why have you not accomplished so much more?

I don’t even know how to answer that. I don’t feel like I ever put enough or when I do it’s not satisfactory.

Like usual, probably just being hard on myself. It’s the only thing I’m good at. It’s not my most favorite trait of myself but it something that’s been consistent.

I am all over the place as you can tell but this is a glimpse of my chaotic mind. Hence my bio.

I guess what I’m trying to say is that I think I’ll be fine, no matter how anxious, nervous, or even sad I get, I think I’ll be fine. After all, I surprisingly made it to twenty.

Thank you for taking the tube to read this. If you enjoyed, you can go ahead and subscribe to my blog. I appreciate it and hope you all know you are loved and cherished if you didn’t know already.

Describe a decision you made in the past that helped you learn or grow.

So many choices in my life have affected me in different ways that have been beneficial and detrimental in my past. I often ponder if o could go back and make the opposite decision and see where that would lead me.

But, one decision I’ve made is for sure and that was I’m not going let anymore weird people in my life anymore. I like being lonely and having a niche of people that I can trust with certain things but I don’t want people close to me anymore.

What place in the world do you never want to visit? Why?

“We can go all around the world. We’ll visit every corner of this earths.”

I feel everywhere in the world is worth sight seeing or at least had once been a place that people would love to visit and make blissful memories but if i had to narrow it down and choose probably any Middle Eastern countries or West or North African countries because of the horrid things that happen there daily.

What do you guys think?

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Where do I see myself in ten years?

There was once a point in my life where I couldn’t see myself in ten years. Now, as the years go by, it’s different every time.

But for now, I see a grown woman in her late twenties, early thirties maybe living in a different country with a child and a husband living in a house in the woods with bestseller books.

I don’t know.

What about y’all?

Describe something you learned in high school.

Something I learned from high school is that people dramatize and over exaggerate every little thing because they’re bored. Prom, Homecoming, and even school spirit events are just a few examples of line of people making big deals about nothing because their friends told them too and now people want to start fights. I think what I’m trying to say is that I discovered that in those four years that people are sheep.